Just like anything remote, remote writing jobs have become increasingly popular, allowing writers to work from anywhere and have a flexible schedule. One can argue that if it wasn't for the pandemic these trends would still be somewhere asleep. Of course, nobody wished for what happened to occur, but it's obvious, that things in 2023 look much different than how they looked before the pandemic. The AI influence on the niche, the newly set standards for SEO that technologies led by Google dictate, but mostly the understanding of the people, of how the intersection of all these influences affects writing.

We need to stay optimistic because things can only improve from here (what could be worse than being stuck at home trying to work for 2 years?). The good news is that remote writing jobs are even more in demand now than they were a few years ago.

Researching Remote Writing Opportunities

Finding where the opportunities are, is not the solution to the problem. Just Google it, and you have a ton of job opportunities. The real problem is how to get hired.

To be more straightforward: why you, why now, and why by them, instead of anyone else that has broken their fingers writing every day for the past 4 years. TL;DR: the lack of experience can push you way back in the waiting line.

That is one way of seeing things. Another way is that experience and hard work are not what is always in demand by the market. Definitely, when it comes to quality and good references, people with good portfolios will have an advantage in getting picked, just like in any other profession. But sometimes budgets do not allow this and one way to compromise is to hire a talent that does not have a large portfolio of successfully finished gigs, but their quality is something definitely worth considering.

That consideration should be the middle ground where you should be looking for the solution to your problem (getting hired). What cannot be neglected is the quality. Before applying for any job and to any listing you find, make sure your portfolio is something that can't simply ignore.

The moment you are confident you should start exploring the opportunities that appear in the first results on Google. This will take you places. You will have to create a lot of accounts, send many applications, and get ready for rejection. Use that momentum and try to learn from the experience. Keep pushing forward, refining your skills, and building a stronger portfolio, eventually, the right opportunity will come.

Once you exhaust what Google provides on its first page, check these websites:

  1. Upwork
  2. ProBlogger Job Board
  3. FlexJobs
  4. FindWriters


Upwork is the complete freelancing platform for job opportunities of any kind. It features hundreds of listings that you can check and apply. One bottleneck is that Upwork is a platform. Everything flows through it, from the creation of your account to the payouts. This is good for safety but think at the beginning if this is something you need, the complexity of the process might put you in the shadow.

ProBloger Job Board

If you're a blog content writer, ProBlogger is the best place to find job opportunities. However, because it focuses specifically on writing and blogging, there may be fewer options for writers interested in other types of content creation or digital marketing roles.


FlexJobs is a great board to explore for remote and flexible job opportunities for content writing positions. They have a strict vetting process to ensure all job listings are legitimate and scam-free, which provides a level of security and trust for job seekers in the remote and flexible job market.


And the new kid on the block, FindWriters. We aim to simplify the process of moderation, application, and reviewing of job providers but also applicants. FindWriters is your friend in establishing a proper relationship between you and your client. Finally, it offers a set of improvement features like consultations and brand-building services that will elevate your game and put you in the spotlight. The only bad thing is that it's still under construction, so if you are curious about when the job board gets launched, get yourself onto the waiting list.

Whatever approach you choose it's up to you.

Preparing Application Materials

As mentioned above, before making the decision on which opportunities you will apply, make sure to build the right portfolio that will elevate your online presence. It's perfectly fine if you have to work on that for even a few weeks. It's one of the pillars of your authentic and credible image in front of prospects.

Next, create your cover letter and short biography that you will keep up to date and share with the prospects as you apply. Update your resume, write a compelling cover letter, and select writing samples that best showcase your skills and expertise.

Tailoring your application materials to each job opportunity will increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. Take the time to research the company and the specific job requirements, and use this information to customize your application.

Remember, the goal is to stand out from the already established writers and the crowd and demonstrate why you are the best fit for the position. Putting in the effort to create strong application materials will set you apart and increase your chances of landing remote writing jobs.

Navigating Remote Writing Interviews

You got an interview? Great, start preparing!

When preparing for remote writing job interviews, it's important to focus on both your technical skills and your ability to communicate effectively in a virtual environment. Start by ensuring your technology is reliable – a stable internet connection and good-quality video conferencing tools are essential. Familiarize yourself with common online interview platforms and practice using them.

When showcasing your writing skills, create a diverse portfolio that includes various writing styles and formats. Tailor this portfolio to the specific job you're applying for, highlighting relevant pieces that demonstrate your proficiency and versatility.

During the interview, be clear and concise in your communication. Engage actively, maintain eye contact through the camera, and be mindful of your body language, as these non-verbal cues are crucial in a virtual setting. Additionally, be prepared to discuss your writing process, how you handle feedback and revisions, and your experience with remote work tools and collaboration.

By combining technical preparedness with a strong presentation of your writing skills, you can make a compelling case for your candidacy in a remote writing role.


The content writing industry has evolved significantly in recent years, with remote writing jobs becoming increasingly popular, especially in the wake of the pandemic. The influence of AI, SEO standards, and the demand for quality content has shaped the dynamics of the industry. While experience and a strong portfolio are advantageous, there are opportunities for talented writers to break into the market.

By researching job opportunities on platforms like Upwork, ProBlogger, FlexJobs, and FindWriters, and preparing strong application materials, writers can increase their chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

Navigating remote writing interviews requires technical preparedness and a strong presentation of writing skills to make a compelling case for candidacy.

With perseverance and dedication, remote writing jobs are within reach for aspiring writers.